Almost half of drivers rely on a Sat Nav when driving somewhere new

Car finance experts at Zuto have conducted research to uncover the nations habits when it comes to directions and reliance on satnavs.

With 92% of those surveyed admitting to using a Sat Nav on some occasion when driving, it’s clear that we’ve put our map reading skills to one side (pictured above)

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Male drivers rely on Sat Navs more than female drivers

Research found that male drivers are more reliant on the technology than women, as one in seven (13%) of male drivers use a sat nav every time they drive, in comparison to only one in twelve of female drivers (8%).

However, when driving to a new destination, one in three female drivers (30%) feel nervous, in comparison to just one in ten (9%) male drivers in the same situation.

Drivers in older age groups are less likely to use a sat nav

Research has found that the age group least likely to ever use a Sat nav is those aged 55-64, with 20% of drivers claiming they never use one. This is in comparison to the 25-34 age group where just shy of a quarter (23%) claim that they use a Sat Nav every time they drive. Highlighting how age affects drivers’ reliance to technology.

How drivers reacted under pressure

When travelling to new locations, the research uncovered that almost one fifth (19%) of Brits feel some level of nerves, which could be a reason why 93% of us either have a satnav installed in our car already, or turn to our phone before making a journey.

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With this in mind, and to investigate this research further, Zuto conducted an experiment with two couples from different age groups, one with a sat nav and one without, to see which pair would reach an unknown destination the quickest. The full video can be viewed here.

Commenting on the research, Lucy Sherliker, Head of Customer at Zuto says:

“The modern-day society which we live in is becoming increasingly technologically advanced. Because of this, we wanted to research how reliant drivers are on Sat Nav technology and what difference the use of them makes in how drivers feel about travelling to a new destination.

“Whilst looking at various variables such as age and gender and our physical experiment, we have highlighted just how reliant we are as a nation on Sat Navs.”

To find out more information about the research, visit here:

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