Vandals wreck Ravensthorpe pavilion causing problems for Sunday League football teams

VANDALS have delivered a fresh body blow to football teams using changing rooms in Ravensthorpe.

Yobs have struck again at the Crawshaw Street pavilion, closing it down not long after an £80,000 refit.

It could now be April before the rooms are back in action.

Vandals initially stole copper pipework for the new showers but then set fire to the building, causing extensive damage.

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Coun Mumtaz Hussain (Lab, Dews West) thinks someone in the community may know who is responsible.

“If they do, they must contact either myself or the police,” he said. “Damage like this is giving the place a bad name.”

And it also means problems for Sunday league football teams.

Clubs have been given the option of using changing rooms at Sands Lane or continuing at the Ravensthorpe site. But using their usual site means players and referees have to arrive already changed into their kits.

The Heavy Woollen Sunday League is urging all clubs to check their fixtures carefully.

Kirklees Council’s technical services officer Dave Wilkinson said the repair work had now gone out to tender.