Dewsbury Parkrun, Crow Nest Park, DewsburyDewsbury Parkrun, Crow Nest Park, Dewsbury
Dewsbury Parkrun, Crow Nest Park, Dewsbury

17 photos from Saturday’s Dewsbury Parkrun

Here are 17 photos from the latest Dewsbury Parkrun, which takes place every Saturday at 9am in Crow Nest Park.

The free weekly event has been running for over ten years, and people of all abilities are being welcomed to put on their trainers and take part.

Co-event director, Pauline Leitch, said: “Parkrun is for runners, joggers and walkers and everybody in between. It is the same course for everybody. Some people get around in 20 minutes, for some it takes 50 minutes but they’ve completed the same course.

“Everybody is in the same position irrespective of ability and everyone is welcome. The intention is on inclusivity.

“There is a tail walker so nobody comes last as someone volunteers to walk at the back to make sure everybody in front of them is ok.

“I cannot speak highly enough of Parkrun - it has absolutely changed my life. I used to run a 10km and put my shoes away for 18 months and then I’d sign up for another charity run and go through the whole process again.

“Ten years ago I did 5k every day for 50 days and I did 47 of them on my own. At the end of it I didn’t want my level of fitness to go and then I discovered Parkrun. I just wish I’d have known about it when I was doing those 50 runs!

“Because it is at the same time every week, you get to know people and it has changed my life with a question of a doubt because there is that continuity.”

To get involved visit

It is free to register and all you need to then bring with you is a scannable copy of the barcode you will be provided with, which will track your time.

Here are 17 photos from Saturday’s Dewsbury Parkrun.

“Everybody is in the same position irrespective of ability and everyone is welcome. The intention is on inclusivity.