This land should still be green

I read with considerable disquiet, the article in the Reporter, April 5, concerning the proposed development of many hundreds of houses at Chidswell, Shaw Cross.

Such a development on green belt land would greatly increase traffic problems on already crowded, inadequate roads in the Shaw Cross area.

In addition, increased population would both greatly damage the environment and also push local schools and health service provision to breaking point.

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Incidentally, as a former Dewsbury East councillor, I resigned from the Labour Party primarily over its support for the development of the Owl Lane Rugby Stadium. I recognised over 20 years ago that the stadium development would open the way for future housing and other development on the site of the former Shaw Cross Colliery. Despite the site being totally unsuitable for such development on geological grounds.

The old colliery was prone to methane gas build up, hence the vents located across the site. It would therefore be extremely foolhardy for the council to grant planning permission. Concreting over the site would create two problems. 1) gas build up beneath houses and 2) gas migration to other localities.

The pit was a renowned “wet” pit and consequently this would make the methane problem worse and also any consequent houses built would be liable to dampness. And of course finally the land would be prone to subsidence.

At the time of course there was massive opposition in Shaw Cross to the proposals and I supported the local people in the face of the then controlling Labour Group. For the same reasons therefore I support all attempts to keep this land as green belt, free of any future industrial and housing development.

Dr Glyn Powell

Bakersfield Drive
