LETTERS: Mirfield is a virtual Tory fiefdom

Personally I am not surprised that Mirfield Tories are an unhappy lot (Reporter Series, April 16).

With an MP, three Kirklees councillors and at least 14 town councillors, all Conservative, they’ve had what amounts to a Tory fiefdom for years with no opposition.

I know of people of all political persuasions who are not happy with the way Mirfield is going downhill. The perception in Huddersfield is that we don’t need help, despite paying large amounts of Council Tax and a town council charge. If we lose our community centre, for example, valuable work with young people, which will save money for Social Services and police in the long run, will cease. As will U3A classes, which help older people in our community socialise and keep active in mind and body.

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Mirfield Town Council needs to be more than a clique of similar political views.

Vote for change on May 7 Mirfield electors and bring back democracy.

Hazel M Byard

Prospective town councillor, Crossley Ward