Business backs Siberia challenge

Parker Racor has backed a Siberian challengeParker Racor has backed a Siberian challenge
Parker Racor has backed a Siberian challenge
A Dewsbury company has provided vital equipment for a two-month expedition which aims to raise £10,000 for Help for Heroes.

Parker Racor, which specialises in fuel, oil, and air filtration, has supplied heavy-duty filters for the Vivaro Siberia Challenge.

The expedition, spearheaded by Vauxhall, involves a 12,000-mile journey across Europe, Turkey, Mongolia and Siberia.

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The vehicles will be tested to their limits as they travel across dual carriageways, dirt and broken tarmac.

Parker’s specialist filters separate damaging free water and contaminates from gasoline, diesel, kerosene and heating oil. This will ensure the vehicles continue to operate, even in the toughest conditions.

Expedition leader Mac MacKenney said: “The vehicles we are using for the expedition are unmodified, but by using a Racor filter, we can keep the tank clean and protect the engine.”

The team will arrive in the Siberian city of Magadan at the end of August.
