Owners’ plan for homes in grounds

HOMES PLAN The grounds of this 18th century house could be built on.HOMES PLAN The grounds of this 18th century house could be built on.
HOMES PLAN The grounds of this 18th century house could be built on.
Plans have been submitted to develop the grounds of an 18th century house on the Mirfield-Ravensthorpe border.

C Ghiloni and J Pype have applied for outline planning permission for 11 homes on the land off Huddersfield Road.

A new access road would also be created off the main road if the homes were built.

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Agent Robert Halstead said the site had been allocated for housing since 1999.

He said: “The land at the left-hand side of the house and to the rear is an allocated housing site under the Unitary Development Plan.”

He said the owners decided to progress the development after a change in family circumstances and changes to national planning policy removed a presumption of developing brownfield before greenfield.

Public consultation on the plans ends on February 9.