£6.40 - £12 an hour, permanent, part-time. Responsibilities would include managing the company website and providing support to users. The company is asking for applicants with excellent written and verbal skills, experience in computer literacy, and familiarity with computer software. Picture: Google£6.40 - £12 an hour, permanent, part-time. Responsibilities would include managing the company website and providing support to users. The company is asking for applicants with excellent written and verbal skills, experience in computer literacy, and familiarity with computer software. Picture: Google
£6.40 - £12 an hour, permanent, part-time. Responsibilities would include managing the company website and providing support to users. The company is asking for applicants with excellent written and verbal skills, experience in computer literacy, and familiarity with computer software. Picture: Google

These 13 part time and full time job vacancies in Dewsbury, Batley and Mirfield - including roles at Aldi, Asda and Iceland - are open for applications now

If you are looking for a new job in Dewsbury, Batley or Mirfield, there are plenty to choose from across a wide range of industries, including Fox’s Biscuits, Iceland, Asda and Mars.

From shop assistant to working in a laboratory, North Kirklees has lots to offer for job hunters.

Here are 13 recently posted jobs in the area from Indeed, with a range of salaries, hours and amounts of experience required.

Click through to see which job could be the start of your new career.

Click through to see which job could be the start of your new career.