Kirklees businesses receive more than £89m in in grant support

Dewsbury town centreDewsbury town centre
Dewsbury town centre
Businesses in Kirklees have received more than £89m in aid since the Government announced emergency grants to help support small and rural businesses, as well as retailers, on March 17.

Meanwhile more than 64,000 jobs have had their wages supported as part of a package of support measures for businesses affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) was created to help employers affected by Covid-19 to pay wages and retain their employees.

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In the period between the launch of CJRS on April 20 and May 31 businesses furloughed 50,400 jobs in Kirklees. The CJRS will run to the end of October.

More than 14,000 self-employed people adversely affected by the health emergency had been paid grants worth £36.9m up to May 31 under the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS).

Anyone eligible for the SEISS grant will be able to claim a second and final grant in August of up to £6,750.

By the end of April Kirklees Council had made more than 6,000 payments to eligible businesses.

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As of June 9 that had climbed to 7,927 payments totalling £89.02m.

The authority identified 9,643 businesses as being eligible for the grants.

Kirklees’ initial funding allocation was £113.7 million. The authority received 8,820 applications.

And whilst the authority was initially criticised for the apparent slowness in paying out the money, it soon speeded up the process.

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By the third week of April it had significantly ramped up payments, handing out £30m in less than a week to take its total to £57m.

All businesses in Kirklees with a rateable value of less than £15,000 and which are already in receipt of Small Business Rate Relief, Rural Rate Relief or tapered relief are eligible for a £10,000 Small Business Grant.

In addition, businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors, with a rateable value of between £15,000 and £51,000, are eligible for a £25,000 grant under the Government’s Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant scheme to help mitigate loss of trade or other impacts of the Covid-19.

Council Leader Councillor Shabir Pandor urged any eligible business owner who is yet to apply for aid to do so “as soon as possible”.

No Kirklees Council staff have been furloughed during the coronavirus emergency.